Author Topic: Nintendo Wii  (Read 4929 times)

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Nintendo Wii
« on: December 28, 2006 07:32 pm CST »
It's pretty incredible so far.  Best gameplay ever.  The downside is that Zelda made their characters non-vocal so everything is text based which kinda sucks when you're used to characters talking.  But that is not the Wii's fault, that's the software.

The classic games can be purchased and that's a plus, but they have a very very very small collection.  Hopefully they will release more classic games soon.  The price per game ranges from $5 to $8 per game.  The classic nintendo games are $5 and the super NES games are $8.  The downside to some of the older games is that you have to purchase the optional "classic" gamepad (controller) to play them.  The Wii remote or (wiimote) wont work for them.  

I know it's kind trivial, but the ability to see your local weather and 5 day forecast is kinda neat.  I liked that.  Another great thing is the ability to play any Gamecube game in it.  It's backwards compatible with that console.  The design is sleek and makes you think of a Shuttle about to take flight.

Time from opening the box to playing the console is about 5 minutes.  The menu system is pretty much noob proof.  The Wii sports game that it comes with is very cool. I dont see myself playing it a long time, but after I get another Wiimote 2 player games like bowling and tennis or golf will be alot of fun....especially when I learn how to play really well then invite over noobs :P

Overall I give the Wii a 8 out of 10 rating.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by sin »


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« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2006 09:19 pm CST »
I still don't have one :(

I don't think there was a zelda where they ever talked anyway so that isn't unexpected.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Xenos »


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« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2006 04:53 am CST »
Been playing my friend's Wii. I like the Wii sports, except Golfing and Boxing.
Bowling and Baseball I can do, and it's fun.
Also played Rayman: Raging Rabbits (or whatever it's called). It's full of a bunch of minigames, good for parties.

Overall not bad, but I think the remote control functions could be a little less buggy. Otherwise, I like :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by KoRo »


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« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2006 12:17 pm CST »
Quote from: "Xenos"
I still don't have one :(

I don't think there was a zelda where they ever talked anyway so that isn't unexpected.

Yeah, but this is 2006 soon to be 2007.  You'd think they would bring it up to date in that respect.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by sin »


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« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2006 01:01 pm CST »
Adding full voice would deviate from the style of the Zelda games which by now is pretty firmly established.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Particle »
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« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2006 11:06 pm CST »
Making a control that allows you to become part of the game experience is a new concept, so I think that Nintendo would be able to get away with it if they wanted to.  I think I'll go find a forum and complain about that directly to Nintendo.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by sin »


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« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2006 11:46 pm CST »
I've had a Wii for 2-3 weeks now and I'm not very satisfied. Part of this is probably because I have nothing to play on it but Zelda, Wii Sports, and my GameCube games. Need to get it connected so I can DL some retro games. But really, if you look at the 2007 game lineup (new games), it looks like crap.

Having to buy batteries for the Wiimote is incredibly annoying. In the long run, this thing might end up costing as much as or more than a premium Xbox 360 (this being severely underpowered in comparison), especially if you do the occasional marathon (I did several consecutive ones with Zelda and went through maybe 3 pairs of batteries). The manual says to not use anything other than good, non-rechargeable alkaline cells, so....

I don't see how the Wii could ever put out what the 360 is and will be doing. Gears of War, BioShock, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Fable 2, Too Human, Resident Evil 5, Alan Wake, GTA 4... and things will only get better.

Sorry if this has seemed rant-like. I'm just not that enthused over the Wii, and I'm disappointed in my impatience for jumping for one.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by DeinGesicht »
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« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2006 12:49 am CST »
Nintendo has never pushed to make graphics their reason for being. They leave that for Sony and Microsoft to duke it out over.
Nintendo focuses on a lot of quality games that you can enjoy with your friends. More so than the other systems, Nintendo has the party feeling to it.

Of the 'next gen' systems, I think that PS3 and Wii have easily beat Xbox360. All I really see in the 360 is just a better version of the xbox. Nothing really 'next gen' at all. I'd say the same for PS3, but their unique Cell setup was pretty nifty. Aside from that, Nintendo was the only system that really tried to take the true meaning of 'next gen' and make a console that was truly 'next gen.'  They went for something completely new and unique and really made an effort to bring something totally new to the gaming table. Everyone pushes for better graphics, but that doesn't make up for poor gameplay. Give the Wii time and they'll really come out with some awesome games.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2006 03:30 am CST »
Quote from: "Kyrie"
I'd say the same for PS3, but their unique Cell setup was pretty nifty. Aside from that, Nintendo was the only system that really tried to take the true meaning of 'next gen' and make a console that was truly 'next gen.'  They went for something completely new and unique and really made an effort to bring something totally new to the gaming table. Everyone pushes for better graphics, but that doesn't make up for poor gameplay. Give the Wii time and they'll really come out with some awesome games.

PS3 is next gen in more ways than just the cell.  You have Blu-ray discs capable of holding 50 gigs of data, six axis controllers(ok so they might have stolen the idea from Wii), wireless controllers(I went on the other side of my house and literally no lag unlike the 360), OS support and they also incorporated the online technology with the downloading games.

As for Wii being 'next gen' I agree in the sense that it does have a brilliant design and wonderful games but that is as far as I agree.  The unique controllers are actually in question whether they infringe on a patent and Nintendo is currently being sued from what I know.

I have both the PS3 and Wii, I find PS3 to be more of the next gen in technology but Wii currently has better gameplay.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Bovidi »


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« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2006 02:43 pm CST »
Quote from: "Kyrie"
Nintendo has never pushed to make graphics their reason for being. They leave that for Sony and Microsoft to duke it out over.

What do you mean they've never pushed graphics as their raison d'etre? Neither have the others. Nintendo systems have always been on par with the others of their time, as far as power goes, all the way back. Wii is the first Nintendo console to break the company's trend in the console power department. And their first party games have always looked good. So I don't see how anyone could say they've "never" done this or that. You can't use the word "never" if there's only one instance of the phenomenon in the context of consoles (the Wii).

Nintendo focuses on a lot of quality games that you can enjoy with your friends. More so than the other systems, Nintendo has the party feeling to it.


Of the 'next gen' systems, I think that PS3 and Wii have easily beat Xbox360.

Maybe they will in Japan. But the 360 is getting JRPGs now--something the original Xbox never had. As far as variety in its library is concerned, the 360 probably has more than the Xbox already.

All I really see in the 360 is just a better version of the xbox. Nothing really 'next gen' at all.

Um, significant improvements in processing power and graphics and audio capability have been defining aspects of all previous next generation systems. Wii is what Nintendo considers "new gen" (though it definitely is the next generation of Nintendo console). The 360 and PS3 are traditional next generation systems. You could make the case that they're not because of their non-gaming capabilities, but we're talking about gaming aspects.

I'd say the same for PS3, but their unique Cell setup was pretty nifty.

We'll see what it can do, but so far it doesn't seem to be much better than the 360, if at all, outside of media-playing capabilities.

Aside from that, Nintendo was the only system that really tried to take the true meaning of 'next gen' and make a console that was truly 'next gen.'

Um, no. The "true meaning" is what the term has come to mean. It's come to refer to, for example, the transition between the NES and the SNES, or between the SNES and the N64, or between the PS and the PS2. And going by this, the Xbox 360 is the next generation Xbox. If we're to define "next generation" by these examples and not simply by a system being the next generation of a company's console hardware, the Wii is not next gen, insofar as what we have come to expect from a next gen console.

They went for something completely new and unique and really made an effort to bring something totally new to the gaming table. Everyone pushes for better graphics, but that doesn't make up for poor gameplay. Give the Wii time and they'll really come out with some awesome games.

Are you insinuating that games for the other systems have had poor gameplay? I hope not, because they don't to any greater or lesser extent than what's been on Nintendo systems. Let's not get into some "gameplay vs. graphics" discussion, because they aren't mutually exclusive. (Funny thing is that Nintendo fans are the ones I've seen argue the distinction the most... it's like they're trying to come up with an excuse for the Wii's lack of power. So defensive.)

You have some really strange ideas about Nintendo, ideas that I see echoed on GameSpot. It's almost like revisionist history.

No offense, by the way. I've just seen so many people making the same arguments in favor of Nintendo--arguments I find nonsensical, given history--that it's hard not to get irate when I see one more.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2006 04:04 pm CST by DeinGesicht »
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« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2006 03:56 pm CST »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by sin »


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« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2006 04:10 pm CST »
I'm not at all a Nintendo (or any other company) fanboy. I just don't see better graphics as something next gen. It's to be expected that you have better graphics than your previous system.
I think these other systems focus so much and draw so much attention to how awesome their graphics are that they're just hoping you over look their lack of creativity in other areas. That's all I mean in bringing up gameplay vs. graphics. When you constantly push graphics as being your biggest asset, game makers will tend to do the same with their games.

Of the three 'previous gen' systems, my PS2 has gotten far far more play time than either my GameCube or Xbox. It has the largest assortment of games that I really want to play. I love my GameCube, it has its own collection of awesome games, but those games are only available on GameCube. Xbox generally has better graphics, but it just has so few games that are really worth it.

I could just as easily say Wii is just a GameCube with a cool controller as I could say PS3 and XboX are just more powerful versions of their previous systems. I tire of Microsoft and Sony trying to sell me an all-in-one entertainment package that really only becomes useful when you make another expensive purchase of an HDTV.

In the end, I don't even like comparing Wii to PS3 or 360, they just aren't really in the same league. As I read in an article somewhere, once, Wii is something you'd pick up for the fun of it. It's not really a serious purchase that you have to think over and save up for. It's truly just a gaming system. With PS3 and 360 pushing to be your entire multimedia center, they're a far more serious purchase and you have to take some thought before hand. When it comes time that I decide to upgrade into the HD world, I'll already have a Wii and will be looking at which of the other two systems I want to handle my HD needs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2006 10:01 pm CST »
Thinking of a game system in terms of processing power or memory is just stupid. It shouldn't be thought of as a computer. It should be thought of a device for having fun.  Nintendo is redifining ways to have fun.  I don't see anyone else trying new unique gameplay except for the Bemani games for the PS2.  I am going to buy a PS2 shortly just because of those games (DDR,Karaoke revolution). I won't consider buying a PS3 until the PS4 is released. I may get an original xbox only to use as a Xbox media center.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Xenos »


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« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2006 10:20 pm CST »
Is Nintendo Wii really redefining anything if they are being sued over patent infringement on the concept of the controller?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Bovidi »


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« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2006 10:43 pm CST »
Whether they are infringing on a patent is for a judge or jury to decide. I looked at the patent and it looks like a wireless remote mouse.  It's not quite the same thing.  They are just trolling for some money.  They could of said something to nintendo before its release. It's not like it was kept top secret.  No, they waited until it was released so they could claim higher damages.

The fact they are being sued over it a controler design means nothing unless they were being sued by sony or microsoft.  It is a good design not the same as the patent.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Xenos »