Author Topic: I don't game like I used to and it bothers me  (Read 5687 times)

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I don't game like I used to and it bothers me
« on: July 10, 2019 03:15 pm CDT »
I've recently been reflecting on my life and remembering the times all those years ago where I could spend endless hours playing games, compared to now where I just don't really find any games to be all that enticing. Lately i've been jonesing for a hack 'n slash online fantasy rpg since I got into D&D (tabletop), but when I really looked at it I realized that I was looking for a community moreso than a game. For the most part, I've pretty much fallen out of touch with all of the online communities I was a part of back in my youth, and it saddens me. I know we all grow up eventually and get caught up with other things--I suspect many of us are deep in school or work (i'm in grad school myself), or maybe relationships and even starting families. I suppose it's just nostalgia acting up inside me.

At any rate, has anyone else gone through this?


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Re: I don't game like I used to and it bothers me
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2019 07:27 pm CDT »
I definitely relate to you on this. The way I see it, games back in the 2000s had dedicated servers which fostered a community because people would routinely play on the same server. Now, most games just put you into a 'match finder' which puts you in a game with a bunch of random people, and then after the game is over everyone leaves to re-queue and get placed with an entirely different bunch of random people. You'll likely never play with the same person twice, so nobody gets to know each other and no small communities are formed. The best part of gaming for me was the community, the drama, the friendships and the enemies. This is entirely lost now for the most part, nothing is personal. When I think back to when Tribes was still alive and firing up the game, refreshing the server list and Seeing Particle's Custom RPG with 26/64 players I remember the rush as I joined the server to see what was going on, to fight my enemies or talk to my friends. I miss that.

The other thing that put older games including Tribes apart was mods. Being able to create mods caused more communities to form because people would find a mod they like and stick with it. New games generally do not allow mods or they are a much smaller part of the game.

For me, 0 new games interest me no matter how hard I try to get into them, which is sad because I love gaming. The one game I play is World of Warcraft Vanilla (the original version of the game before any expansions- from ~2004). I played this game when I was a kid and at the same time as TRPG, so it holds a lot of nostalgia for me and thankfully there are still servers with thousands of players playing this version (and a Blizzard release coming in a month!!!). Luckily I'm part of a community (my guild) in this game so I still have one game that can fill that void. I would totally recommend trying Classic WoW this August when it comes out!
« Last Edit: July 14, 2019 07:33 pm CDT by Vivaxx »
Jonah, PCRPG player since 2002.


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Re: I don't game like I used to and it bothers me
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2019 10:56 pm CDT »
That's really a good point. I never thought about dedicated servers being the focal point of communities, but that makes complete sense. The only thing I have left is my small crew of friends from HS, and we occasionally (~1/2 months) play games together. I definitely prefer multiplayer games, but even that's not enough if there's no community to be formed from them.

Believe it or not, I've never actually played WoW. Will Classic WoW be free to play? Or is it still monthly?


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Re: I don't game like I used to and it bothers me
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2019 09:05 pm CDT »
It will be included in the standard monthly charge for World of Warcraft. So by paying that monthly charge you'll now get access to Classic WoW as well as normal WoW.
Jonah, PCRPG player since 2002.


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Re: I don't game like I used to and it bothers me
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2019 10:16 pm CDT »
sumunsavory woman. I've never paid a monthly fee for a game to this day and I would prefer to continue that trend.


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Re: I don't game like I used to and it bothers me
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2019 10:17 pm CDT »
malarkey vivaxx I think i afk killed you. And by "afk kill" i mean I was afk when my char killed you :-X sorry


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Re: I don't game like I used to and it bothers me
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2019 07:05 pm CDT »
Haha no worries. The server is a different place these days with all you 3,000+ RL players. A mere 400 RL gets stepped on like a bug. I remember back in the day when we thought it was unbelievable that eViL was over RL 300...
Jonah, PCRPG player since 2002.


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Re: I don't game like I used to and it bothers me
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2019 07:27 pm CDT »
I propose a challenge.. people level a character with NO afk leveling allowed. No auto attack or auto cast or leveling scripts allowed. See how long people last :)
Jonah, PCRPG player since 2002.


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Re: I don't game like I used to and it bothers me
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2019 05:38 pm CDT »
lol, turn it back into the wild west like it used to be? I'd enjoy a good PvP or TvT game. Rumor has it Alpha will be starting a TvT server in a week or two if anyone is interested in hopping in there. Would be nice to get the band back together, and not just for afk chatting