
Should we clear to revitalize the server?

Yes (I would continue/start playing again)
21 (55.3%)
Yes (But I will be leaving)
2 (5.3%)
No (But I will start over and play)
6 (15.8%)
No (And I will leave if cleared)
9 (23.7%)

Total Members Voted: 38

Voting closed: January 31, 2008 04:37 pm CST

Author Topic: Dun dun dun dunnnnnn! (*whispers* Should we clear?)  (Read 36227 times)

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« Reply #60 on: November 11, 2007 12:07 am CST »
Yeah.  That's why I think the minimum necessary server change would be a cap to players' remort levels.  Several other suggestions I've made/read would also help, and wouldn't require enormous changes to the server.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Dyre »
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« Reply #61 on: November 11, 2007 02:51 pm CST »
You can't just put a cap on the remort level and be done with it. You have to significantly change the mod. Which I'm beginning to doubt will ever happen.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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« Reply #62 on: November 13, 2007 08:38 pm CST »
What's the point of becoming a god then if you can be killed as easily as a noob?

The idea does seem interesting though. You be could strong enough to do a 5k bash on a noob but they would still be able to kill you. Just not as easy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Xenos »


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« Reply #63 on: November 14, 2007 12:06 am CST »
Capping stats wouldn't solve the problem of AFKing in zones. You put lck on miss, have high healing, run a script to auto-use potions. Problem solved, it's business as usual.
And let's face it: players who do remort 2000 or whatever times do deserve some sort of benefit over other players, be it increased health, stats, lck, whatever.
Those players, me specifically, started out just the same as everyone else. RL0 level 1. I played my way through the ranks, leveling in the same zones as the gods, dealing with a lot of mean players (who, by the way, hardly play at all anymore. It's been a LONG time since really anyone had to be punished). I haven't done anything anyone else could have done, I've remained focused on what I want and dedicated my time to the mod and the game.
And now, a bunch of on again off again players want me cleared because it's 'too hard to level now' or 'unfair for noobs.' It really isn't. Try it.

Like Corona said, just look at the people voting, specifically for the people voting yes: most don't play and haven't for quite a while.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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I am thought about changing my mind about the clear
« Reply #64 on: November 14, 2007 06:39 pm CST »
I have been listening and reading alot about this clear and i still have to ask  what is the big deal?  Thank you Dyre for your recognition of my efforts in this game.

Quote from: "Dyre"
for anybody complaining that it takes too long to level up.  Arf started playing TRPG somewhere around six months ago.  He was able to make it to god status within just a month or two, as a complete noob to the game.  And he had to deal with the exact same stuff everyone else does.

i am a n00b to this game but not a n00b to life.  Which makes me ask why are their some players that want special treatment?.  You dont play as much so you want to penalize those that do by clearing their characters?  Even if there is a clear and everything starts from scratch...  even if there is significant change to the mod / server to put in caps and regulations and limits ..  I will find a way again to create a very powerful and well respected character, because that is what i do...  i am a gamer and i accept challenges...  

For those who new me before, i whined and complained to the admins and pk's because i thought it was unfair in certain circumstances but i listened to their decisions, took their advice and now i have the fifth highest rl in the game.  

Arf is Awesome...  

i have to thank Corona, HUBBA, Rose and Shan for the guidance and the big ears for taking in all the whining and complaining that i laid at their feet.  As a player i watch where the noobs go, how they levl, i offer assistance when i hear them collectively complain about a super god and the lack of levling in the zones...  as an admin it is during those times that i use every means at my disposal to resolve those conflicts and if i cant resolve it within the rules, i will placate the masses with quests that allow the n00bs to gain a little more ground, pick up a few levls, sp, lck and coins...  things that they wouldn't get if they were levling, i host bash fests for the supergods when they are around and give out really great trophys for the performances that i see...  it's a really great feeling being able to interact with all of the different people and personalities...  I wish i could say that i don't have any enemies, but i do...  some because i stood my ground when others folded, some because i enforced the rules no matter what the personal outcome would be...  and still others just because they are asshats...  

I have made many friends , and still more many enemies, and i have not yet begun to game...  

I personally believe the changes that need to be made lie almost completely in the economy of PCRPG...  so i have begun a world financial examination and i am just now beginning to see the economic problems that have helped to create this situation.   I was told that giving out keldrinite would lead to a clear...  i was told that too much exp and sp and lck would lead to a clear...  i was told that the economy was a delicate balance and could not stand to be upset or it would destroy PCRPG...  ok lets examine that in a nutshell...  what does the economic foundation consist of in PCRPG.  well for one it ain't the rare items that drive the economy in PCRPG..  In fact the rare items have no economic impact whatsoever in this arena.  You could flood the server with keldrinite and it would have no considerable effect whatsoever in the economic balance...  ever. the keldrinite longs sword and the keldrinite armor are inferior to items that are far more readily available and easier to obtain.  However remove the Anchets, make it more rare than the KLS, and the economy would be severely handicapped but only for those who already have the cash...  noobs cant even collect enough to buy the items necessary to smith an Anchets.   Change the amount of the coins that are dropped by the bots and make common items the norm and you will see the economic stability return.  The magic dust system should be harder and more expensive, and the economy should be based more on player interaction rather than npc haggling.  

How do we do this?  Can it be done without a clear?  I dont know... One thing is for certain...  The crowd that says a clear without significant change is ridiculous is correct, and the crowd that says we shouldnt clear cause it wont solve any problems is correct...  I dont care how many changes you make and how many clears you have  the same problems will continue to develop no matter the design or intent...   That's because we are dealing with humans here and humans are so unpredictable...  thats what makes gaming fun...  When i asked directly what was the reason was for the clear?  I cant believe i missed it from the very beginning...  not till i sat and watched the server for several days and realized...  there aint nobody here

so if there is a clear?  i am ready for the challenge... if there isnt?  well then watch for some awesome new ideas coming from this old hacker...   thanks for the chance to air my opinion...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Arf »
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« Reply #65 on: November 14, 2007 07:32 pm CST »
All I got to say is "ARF!"

oh, and "well said".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by slorge_gridlock »


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« Reply #66 on: November 14, 2007 09:21 pm CST »
People aren't leaving the server because of players. It's just the whole mod is dying.  This server is the only one that has anyone playing TRPG.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Xenos »


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« Reply #67 on: November 14, 2007 09:45 pm CST »
Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
That is WHY the players dont play. The rl god in a week players chase them from the server to where they stop playing or rarely play....That is why the server population has dwindled. Players have been run off because of all of the zones being hoarded and them not being allowed to level or effectively play.

I disagree completely. It's not that hard to level, even with gods and 'supergods' everywhere. I've leveled one character up to RL2500+ with the various gods around (and far more 'bad guy' players to deal with). And I've leveled a second character to god (and level 1000+), even with the various 'supergods.' It's NOT that hard at all to do. The part that makes new players leave, and I've seen this several times, is when 'bad guy' characters pick on them, mug them, kill them, constantly harass them. That situation is at an all-time low on the server right now. Leveling as easy as ever.

It's NOT this server that's dying. Players are not being 'chased away' from the server. Tribes is dying and has been dying for a long time, that is why there are fewer and fewer new players on a week by week basis.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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« Reply #68 on: November 14, 2007 11:50 pm CST »
I say we all have a party at Particle's house and make out.  I'll bring the everclear
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by JayJay »


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« Reply #69 on: November 15, 2007 08:58 am CST »
Can we flame that quote? It did seem kind of homo. Rephrase???
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Vorter_X_ »


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« Reply #70 on: November 15, 2007 11:28 am CST »
Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
Actually, it would not be penalizing them for thier "work" it would be giving them the opportunity to renew thier interest.  :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Xanth »

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« Reply #71 on: November 15, 2007 07:15 pm CST »
man somebody really has issues with the "supergods"...  so what you are really trying to say is that you feel victimized by a player that obviously took the time to level a character to a rl high enough that would prevent a less than average player/ character from doing just what you are suggesting you would do if you could?   ( MAN THAT WAS ONE RUN ON SENTENCE!!!  LOL)

so you were mugged...  so you were killed...  so you were harassed...  i am sure that on most occasions it was within the rules...  then there were probably sometimes it wasn't...  question...

why did you quit?

Many have suffered the same muggings, killings and harassments just like you, and they didnt quit, they went on to be great players / characters... admins and pk's and even some turned out to be asshats...  but they all had one thing in common ...  they didnt quit...  please do not take this as a personal attack, it is not... it is merely a question...

If the server remains as is ...  and i have no doubt in my prediciton...  it will continue to degrade until it goes the way of the dinosaur...   but mark my words...

Even if there is a clear, with or without significant changes... you cant change the human element...  if you dont play as much or more than the most... you will fall behind and suffer the same consequences and indignities as you have suffered in the past...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Arf »
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« Reply #72 on: November 15, 2007 09:18 pm CST »
Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
brought me back to where I have been on a bit since the thread started.  :P
More like you joined for a bit today to try to add some kind of weight to your weak argument. You didn't start playing 'since the thread started.' 9 days after the thread started, you still hadn't played for over 2 months. Today, two weeks since the thread started, was the first time you played in over two months.
Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
The problem is that the players are being chased off by the super gods.
Have you actually looked at any real facts? Fact: PCRPG has been for a long time, and continues to be even at this moment, one of the most populated servers in Tribes. It's 6th from the top for most players as we speak. It has consistently been near the top of the list for a very long time. There are 36 Tribes servers with one or more players right now.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
Say the noob wastes a few hundred sp on buuilding up bash to slowly shove the god away (even assuming they can)
I don't know what mod you've been playing, but it's not PCRPG. You need 5 bashing to shove.
Gods don't even GO to Den. They go to Crypt or Cavern, neither of which are noob-friendly. There are better zones for noobs to level in.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
Then, when they reach level 50, its much much worse at the mino pit because they cant even get close enough to shove and get killed by rifts for even trying to get close to the pit.
I haven't seen any gods in Mino at all over the past couple of months. None leveling there, anyway.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
Now, when the super god's players want to try a new character, of course they dont have any problems. They just remove thier character from the zone so that thier 2nd character can level and when they are done, put thier god back in place.
I leveled up my secondary character at the same time that I leveled my 'super god.' And very often, in the same zone. Xenos and bored did the same, and both of them have 'super gods' and, now, secondary god characters.
I leveled jam from exactly the same situation as any noob character (aside from my own experience at proper leveling technique) for the express purpose of proving this 'super god' argument false.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
Then, the addition of new code to make the rest of the game more interesting and complex, might draw some of the ones forced out back as well as possible new blood.

Yes, that would be very nice. And, given such changes, I'm all for a clear. However, I'm fully against clearing if such changes are not going to take place. At this point in time, I don't see any actions taking place to enact the important changes that we'd all love to see. Given so, my vote remains: no clear.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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« Reply #73 on: November 16, 2007 10:24 am CST »
I can agree with that.  If we can expect some significant changes to the server, than a clear would not only be necessary, but a welcome loss for the majority of players to have a new TRPG to play.  I'd love to see a real change to the mod, not only to help improve things in general, but just to see something different.

I guess for me, it's not really that I want a clear, it's that I don't really feel either way on the subject.  I feel like it would level out the playing field, but it's always possible (and, I'll admit, likely) that we'll see the exact same problems again in just a few weeks.  I wouldn't mind having to level up again, and I always have the option of making a new character if I really want to go through the first few RL's again.

It seems that's where the majority of opinions stand.  If we get to see some real significant changes to the mod, then I think about everyone here would be for it.  Of course, that would be a project that would span several months, possibly a couple of years.  I might even learn to use a few programs to help out.  I dabble in 3-d modeling with blender.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Dyre »
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« Reply #74 on: November 16, 2007 03:04 pm CST »

Yep. Sure is a shortage of n00bs just lately. In fact, there's so few of them, I can't scroll down in tab to see more n00bness.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Corona »